Internet kiosks internet kiosks internet kiosks internet kiosks. Internet kiosks web kiosks web kiosks web kiosks web kiosks web kiosks. Kiosk software kiosk software kiosk software kiosk software. Multimedia touch screen kiosks multimedia touch screen kiosks multimedia touch screen kiosks cbt interactive computer based training cbt interactive computer based training cbt interactive computer based training cbt interactive computer based training kiosk-in-a-box kiosk in a box web kiosk commander interactive kiosks interactive promotions advertising web development shockwave development java development multimedia kiosks multimedia cbt multimedia computer based training
CD-ROM, Internet, and Laptop Promotional Pieces, Shockwave Application
Generation, or a Combination Thereof
A Brief Overview
Rocky Mountain Multimedia specializes in creating interactive promotions that can take on many forms, and that can be distributed using a wide variety of media.
By planning in advance, the "same" promotion can be placed on a Web Site, integrated into a touch screen kiosk that "Surfs the Web", generated into a Shockwave presentation, burned onto a CD-ROM, copied to a series of floppies or a combination of all of the above!.
Check Out An Online Example
Rocky Mountain Multimedia has completed interactive product promotions
for companies like Diebold and Loronix. These promotional pieces were distributed via floppy where the sales crew installed them on their laptops. These same promotional pieces may also be accessible via the Web in a variety of flavors: online screen captures, Shockwave snippets, and/or a fully functional downloadable demo.
A few screen captures from this promotional piece are contained below for your viewing pleasure:
Download the Demo
Discover the power of an Interactive Product Promotion by examining the
Loronix ImageShare Video Imaging promo. Learn more about the company, examine the
hardware interactively, see software simulations, and check out - or
print out - sample reports, dossiers, even an ID card!
To experience this CBT demo, obtain both the Asymetrix Toolbook II Runtime Engine (Neuron level 6) and loronix.zip:
Promos and the Internet
Imagine a Promo that's capable of accessing information from your Web site, and then using this information seamlessly with the local promotional application. The possibilities are endless.
For example, your promo would be capable of downloading an interactive price lists that resides on your site. If you change the price list at your site, you effectively change all of your promo applications in the field! This could be true for any information that requires frequent modification including text, graphics, video - you name it!. And the best part about it: YOU are in control.
Interactive promos designed by Rocky Mountain Multimedia can also contain
live links and cross-references to your existing Web pages, providing a means by which you can update your promos in the field, download miniature
multimedia applets, or drive the target audience's browser remotely.
Submitting a Proposal Via The Internet
If you are considering development of an interactive promotion, please feel free to submit a specification to Rocky Mountain Multimedia. Project specs should be delivered electronically via email as a zipped MS-Word document.
The contents of the spec should be designed to include:
- Interface Considerations
- Estimated Number of Screens
- Source{s} and Format{s} of Digitized Media
- Special Hardware Considerations
From your spec, Rocky Mountain Multimedia will make suggestions for an affordable solution!
Online Reference Letters
How did Loronix like their promo? Check out their reference letter, which specifically address this project. When in doubt, check us out!