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![]() ![]() From: Nancy Jane Leonard - Manager of CyberCash Corporate Training Re: Interactive CBT Development for the CyberCash CashRegister February 10, 1997 To Whom it may Concern: CyberCash has just begun a tremendous project to provide web based training to its Technology and Development Partners worldwide. The first phase of this project was to create a HUGE technical training module for the CyberCash Merchant CashRegister software which allows Internet merchants to offer three secure payment types on the WWW. The CyberCash Computer Based Training (CBT) project has five main goals:
Needless to say this project is no small task. The key to accelerating our program was to find both the right tool and the right developer to build the first technical module. This module is based upon more than 200 pages of technical documentation. During the search for the optimum solution, CyberCash found Dave Heyliger and Rocky Mountain Multimedia. After reviewing our challenge over the phone, Dave quickly suggested how we could "easily" accomplish our goals and more! Other multimedia vendors could not come close to his level of comprehension, service and commitment to our project. After three weeks of comparing costs and multiple other vendor options, it was evident that RMM offered the finest solution. Less than three months later, Dave had delivered our first Computer Based Training Module developed using Asymetrix ToolBook II Intructor. This module is over 600 pages complete with Live Demonstration and Web Navigation; Glossary of Terms and Help; Pop-up and drop down boxes for additional information; animated mascots and sounds; quizzes to test comprehension and superior graphics that easily export to a web environment. The CyberCash Cash Register CBT module was delivered in its first classroom setting in less than 90 days from our initial inquiring call to RMM. It was confirmed in our first training session that CBT would replace stand up training within a year as we further develop the additional companion modules to encompass the remaining critical content. We are able to eliminate costly classroom training thanks to professional consultation and intuitive collaboration with Dave Heyliger. His expertise and guidance in the early developmental stages of this program will save us thousands of training dollars in the future. The key to our success has clearly been more than just his technical expertise. The true difference is that Dave was loyal to the project and its ongoing success. He made sure that we had a tool that we could use for the future to develop and maintain the CBT beyond the first module. More importantly, he intelligently made decisions and recommendations throughout the build process that prevented future problems while incorporating innovations. Although his work speaks volumes about his talent, if you are considering RMM for your next project or if Dave has simply astounded you from the start and you want to make sure you are making the right choice, look elsewhere, we did. And, you will probably discover what we did too. It is impossible to find another multimedia group that will give you the same level of commitment, desire, expertise and quality personal service that you will receive from Dave Heyliger and Rocky Mountain Multimedia. He truly delivers one of a kind results. We are very satisfied customers and recommend him highly for any multimedia project you consider. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely,
Nancy Jane Leonard
![]() ![]() From: George Funkey - Director of Information Services, Colorado School of Mines Re: Web Kiosk Implementation for Online Information Access March 3rd, 1996 To Whom it may Concern: Colorado School of Mines has just completed a project to provide its students with on-line access to their own personal student data via an on-line student information kiosk. The kiosk functions as a central information point in our new Ben Parker Student Center and also provides access to campus and area maps, a campus directory, direct telephone connection to campus departments, etc. All of the data (including personal student data, public maps, etc.) is provided via the world wide web. The touch-screen kiosk presents the WWW data and manages the interaction with the user via programs and graphics written by Dave Heyliger of Rocky Mountain Multimedia. This project began in October, 1995 with a deadline of March 1, 1996. As our deadline grew closer, I searched the Internet news groups to find someone to write or contribute to the kiosk graphics and interface program. RMM responded to my posts and suggested I look at their samples on their web site. I was very positively impressed with RMM's work and immediately set up a meeting with Dave Heyliger. Based on some initial discussions, we contracted with Dave in January for kiosk graphics and software to be delivered by February 29. I worked closely with Dave via the Internet to design and fine tune our kiosk. Dave has done an excellent job and delivered an excellent product under a very aggressive schedule. During our work together, my initial positive impression of Dave and his company has been confirmed and reinforced time and time again. He has delivered more than we ever thought we would need. Throughout the project, Dave always went at least one extra step (many times more) to provide us with a high quality product and actually delivered much more than we originally contracted for. In the last few days before our deadline, Dave worked tirelessly to insure our success and showed the type of loyalty to our project that one rarely finds in an outside contractor. Dave Heyliger is able to both write excellent, disciplined computer software and to design and present aesthetically interesting and pleasing graphics. The method used in our kiosk to manage user and WWW communications is complicated but Dave's programming is structured, solid, and maintainable. The graphics displayed on the kiosk were fully customized for Colorado School of Mines and typically evoke responses such as "cool", "beautiful", "great -who did that?", etc. His work is superb and we are very pleased with the result. Based on our work with Dave Heyliger and RMM, I have no hesitation to recommend him for any multimedia project. We will certainly work with him again as future projects allow and require. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely,
George Funkey, Director
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From: Loronix Information Systems
Re: Loronix Interactive Product Promotion Project
July 12, 1995
Loronix Information Systems, Inc. develops, sells and markets a family of
Video Imaging software. Our mission was to create a interactive multimedia
demonstration for one of our lead products. After contacting numerous
vendors and viewing their products, we contracted Mr. Heyliger and Rocky
Mountain Multimedia. We made the right choice.
Dave Heyliger utilized a vast understanding of the computer industry to
access our needs in a product demonstration. After supplying RMM with
consumer level information on the product, we viewed and began initial
edits on a rough cut in less than five days. All information was
conveniently communicated via on-line services which allowed efficient
production in an expeditious manner. The product was completed and approved
ahead of schedule.
The final product supplied to Loronix Information Systems, Inc. is of
excellent quality. Of all the previously viewed material from other
vendors, our end product is leaps and bounds above the competition. This
demonstration will serve as a valuable sales tool as it is simplistic and
concise, yet on the cutting edge of our market. We are in the process of
assigning Mr. Heyliger and Rocky Mountain Multimedia to another in a long
line of projects.
Thus, it is with great satisfaction that we recommend Rocky Mountain
Multimedia. We are looking forward to working with Rocky Mountain
Multimedia on future projects.
Thank You.
Loronix Information Systems, Inc.
Keven G. Ellison |
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Glenwood Springs, Colorado 303.933.7300 Dave Heyliger | heyliger@rockmedia.com |