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Rocky Mountain Multimedia’s Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4 is a professional development tool that creates extremely powerful kiosk applications without programming, making it the leading non-programming development tool for Internet and/or Non-Internet kiosk software creation.
A broad list describing most of the new features of Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4 is contained below. Follow the link of any component to obtain additional details.
Drag & drop a Web Browser object onto the screen, size it any size you like, and place it anywhere you like. Surround your Web Browser object with unlimited text and/or graphical buttons that assist in surfing the Internet!
Solutions with Internet Browsing and E-Mail Composition Some of the features of the Internet browsing component of the software include:
In addition, you can include all of the local multimedia power of Kiosk-in-a-Box! Play videos and/or graphics "on top of" the browser. Any other kiosk software product on market cannot match the unbelievable flexibility of this software package!
Capture images, voice and/or video and then post process the captured image. You can merge the image with another image to create borders or place "on top of" another image. Create photo postcards, photo E-Mail, and/or a dynamically created web page. The web page can be designed any way you want, making it a snap to create photo sticker printouts or any other style of printout. Optionally post the web page to your server!
Photo Stickers or Dynamic Web Pages The co-product used to capture the images is "Internet VIP" (Internet Video Image Production). Turn your kiosk visitors into an Internet VIP with the Kiosk-in-a-Box kiosk software development package!
If you want to use Internet VIP with Kiosk-in-a-Box, you will need a video camera and possibly a capture card. Internet VIP and Kiosk-in-a-Box are software only, so consider obtaining this hardware if you want to access Internet VIP. You do not need a camera to run Kiosk-in-a-Box - you only need one if you want to use Internet VIP. |
Allow users to enter in their E-Mail server, login, and password, then have Kiosk-in-a-Box retrieve the E-Mail and display their mail as an HTML file. If you want, you can optionally charge for the service using one of the many different Pay-Per-View modes of Kiosk-in-a-Box.
Remains on the Server For Later Access There are built-in checks to make sure users enter in all three components of their E-Mail login, and further checks for a valid connection. If Kiosk-in-a-Box cannot connect to their server or their is a login failure, custom messages that you design appear to inform the user of the failure.
There's even an option to make all "reply to:" components "hot", so you can optionally allow users to reply to a sender with just a touch!
Kiosk-in-a-Box contains the following optional "Pay-Per-View" options:
The above payment options allow you to define the fee, the time, and the initial screen that is presented. If you select the Dual or Triple Payment Option, you can define multiple fee schedules and set the initial presentation screen for each fee, providing the ultimate in design flexibility!
The Single, Dual, and Triple Payment Options use a count-down timer, providing your users with a pre-defined amount of time they are allowed to use the kiosk. These fees can be set for Internet and/or non-Internet kiosk access time - your choice.
The "Taxi Metered" Option uses a count-up timer, and charges the user for the total time they accessed the kiosk during a Pay-Per-View session.
Create complete database-driven kiosk applications within minutes. On-screen objects can display field{s} from database selection{s}. These same objects can be “hot”, and if touched they can display additional information, set the active record, print database reports - even dial a telephone number stored in the database!
with Database Aware Objects By creating a database-driven kiosk, updates become ultra-simple. Simply modify the database contents via the included Kiosk-in-a-Box Database Editor. This means that your kiosk applications can be updated by just about anyone who can type, removing one of the most frustrating components of kiosk deployment: updating.
Even if you use the database-driven components, you still have the flexibility to create custom screens and presentations that may or may not use content from a database. In fact, Kiosk-in-a-Box is so “smart”, it figures out if there are any custom screens for a given database field (like “Tony’s Pizza”), and automatically provides links to all custom screens. And all without any programming!
You can also allow users to enter in their own search criteria, and then search the database based on this information, providing the ultimate in flexibility.
Applications where database-driven objects really come in handy include:
Create extremely flexible surveys and questionnaires using the new survey components contained in Kiosk-in-Box Level 4. Collect valuable feedback over an unlimited number of survey screens using one of three different methods:
All survey components “remember” what selection{s} or input{s} were received by a given user, and therefore provide the ability for the user to go forwards and/or backwards through their survey to review their selections. Using these survey components make it easy, for example, to allow a user to register for prize, answer a series of questions, then submit their answers when ready.
with Data Collection Objects The results of each named survey (like the "feedback" survey) are stored in their own separate database for further processing. You also have the option to automatically E-Mail the results of each individually submitted survey “live". Wow! Finally, all surveys may be analyzed via the Survey Analyzer which is included with Kiosk-in-a-Box. |
Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4 contains built-in “shopping cart” objects that allows one to purchase and/or order products at the kiosk. Included in the shopping cart suite is a credit card “widget” that reads credit cards and verifies the data to the user before allowing them to continue with their shopping.
Creating purchase / order objects and setting the pricing is a snap with Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4. You also may provide the user with the ability to view their “shopping cart”, which displays all their purchases / orders and the total for their order with just a touch.
Built-in Shopping Cart Objects The shopping cart components of Kiosk-in-Box make it extremely easy to create remote ordering terminals and/or pay-per-printout kiosks. All orders / purchases are stored locally in a database. You also have the option of sending each order / purchase via E-Mail “live” as soon as the transaction is complete.
In addition, the shopping cart components can interface with your database of products and pricing. In other words, you can use database-aware objects within the shopping cart object structure. This means you can change your entire “store inventory” and/or “price list” by simply modifying your database! |
Let's face it: when you're surfing - regardless of whether or not your using a kiosk product - the Internet can sometimes hang your browser. Period. Now throw in electrical glitches, the wide area distribution of your kiosks, and the value of your time, and you'll know why you can't afford down time.
via Hardware Watchdog Support Options However, being reliable 24 hours a day / 7 days a week becomes a non-issue with Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4, which supports certain third party hardware watchdog systems. Current support includes:
Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4 has Internet E-Mail support built in, and provides you with a variety of E-Mail options, including:
and/or Data “live” via E-Mail
If you have an Internet FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site, Kiosk-in-a-Box can communicate with this site and perform a variety of updating and reporting, including:
Specific Kiosks Nightly via FTP |
Here is a list of the features of Kiosk-in-a-Box Level 4:
List of Features Anywhere |
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Glenwood Springs, Colorado 303.933.7300 Dave Heyliger | |